Equality Office

In 2019 ESCI-UPF Equality Unit was set up by the offices of the Manager and Director of ESCI-UPF in conjunction with Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the university community.

The Equality Unit works in the following areas:

  1. It advises different departments at ESCI-UPF on how to prepare and deliver programmes to promote gender equality policies at the school, including the Equality Plan, and coordinates specific equality actions to be carried out by academic and administrative bodies, services and units at the university.
  2. It handles enquiries and complaints concerning gender violence and LGTBIphobia affecting any member of the university community and offers a range of support services.
  3. It organises awareness-raising activities to bring about meaningful equality between men and women and promote respect for sexual diversity and gender identity.

ESCI-UPF’s Inclusion and Gender Equality Policies Committee is an advisory body that puts forward equality initiatives. It includes representatives from the three branches of the university community. It offers advice on drawing up, implementing and assessing successive equality action plans and promoting the gender perspective and gender parity in policymaking and awareness-raising activities across the university. It also designs a range of activities in the field of gender equality policies to be carried out by the Equality Office or other ESCI-UPF bodies, informs on institutional activities and decisions on gender equality policies and gathers together proposals made by different university centres and offices, among others.

ESCI-UPF also sits on UPF’s Gender Equality Policies Committee.

For further information, please contact igualtat@esci.upf.edu

Equality Action Plan 2019-2023 (Catalan version)

Protocol on Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Involving Violence against Women, Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (Catalan version)