Information sessions

Do you want to become a professional in International Business?

If you want to learn more about this Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing, taught entirely in English, you can come to one of our information sessions, where we will address all your doubts, questions, and comments. Check the available dates we offer and register using the form.


We look forward to seeing you at...
ESCI-UPF | Passeig de Pujades 1, 08003 Barcelona


Albert Carreras, Director of ESCI-UPF, will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the degree and the university. Pelayo Corella, a professor at ESCI-UPF, will delve into the day-to-day aspects, as well as the significance and operation of the degree. Lastly, we have alumni from the same degree who will share insights from their academic and professional experiences."




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