International Economics and Globalization

Asignatura del Master in International Management

Información académica



Type of subject: Required


We explain basic macroeconomic and international economics concepts. We follow a nontechnical approach to analyse how governments use both fiscal and monetary policy to influence outcomes such as inflation, growth, employment, national debt and deficit. In addition, we discuss the basic principles of free trade, exchange rates and the balance of payments. By handling macroeconomic data from different countries, we derive conclusions about countries’ present and future. We debate the suitability of specific policies for the given national and international economic situation and anticipate their impact on trade and globalization.

Learning Outcomes

Acquire the ability to form and defend your position in contemporary debates on international economics and globalization, such as the need for higher/lower interest rates or fiscal stimulus vs. austerity. Gain the necessary knowledge to assess the economic risks of doing business in a specific country or region.

This subject forms part of the Master in International Management, Follow the link for further information..

Lecturer Position

Joan Ribas



PhD in Economics (UPF)


Joan Ribas Tur has been a lecturer and academic coordinator at ESCI-UPF since 2009. He has a PhD and master’s degree in Economics from UPF and a bachelor’s degree in Economic and Business Sciences from UAB. He teaches and carries out research in the areas of macroeconomics, international economics, environmental economics and culture and tourism economics. He previously taught at UAO-CEU, UPF and UdG. He is a member of the Research in International Studies and Economics (RISE) research group.