Bachelor’s Degree Final Project

Asignatura del Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing

Información académica



Catalan / Spanish

Type of subject: Required


Producing and (if required) defending an innovative project in the international business or marketing sphere for a business, institution or social organisation. The work can be organised as a proposal or critical review of internationalisation based on the experience obtained from the internship.

Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate the ability to gather, process, select and assess business, institutional and social information, paying particular attention to multicultural aspects. Collectively apply quantitative criteria and qualitative and normative aspects. Analyse and interrelate different areas of an organisation in the same project. Identify the main results of work and systematically present them orally and in writing.

This subject forms part of the Bachelor's Degree in International Business and Marketing, Follow the link for further information..

Lecturer Position

Joan Ribas



PhD in Economics (UPF)


Joan Ribas Tur has been a lecturer and academic coordinator at ESCI-UPF since 2009. He has a PhD and master’s degree in Economics from UPF and a bachelor’s degree in Economic and Business Sciences from UAB. He teaches and carries out research in the areas of macroeconomics, international economics, environmental economics and culture and tourism economics. He previously taught at UAO-CEU, UPF and UdG. He is a member of the Research in International Studies and Economics (RISE) research group.