Industry 4.0 Technologies and their Marketing Applications

Asignatura del Master in International Digital Marketing

Información académica



Type of subject: Required


Industry 4.0 is the term that encompasses the last stage of the industrial revolution (a digital revolution) in which the manufacture/production of products is carried out using the computational power of machine learning and artificial intelligence without incorporating human involvement. In addition to reviewing essential Industry 4.0 technologies and concepts such as big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things, and blog chains, in this course, we'll focus on how Industry 4.0 is making its own digital marketing space. We'll explore how Industry 4.0 enables us to identify and exploit opportunities, such as adopting a digital infrastructure, measuring, analysing, and using insights from data, and improving marketing efforts through agile digital strategies. 

This subject forms part of the Master in International Digital Marketing, Follow the link for further information..

Lecturer Position

José Carlos Andrés

Marketing, innovation and strategy consultant

Contact details:
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Industrial Chemist degree, University from the Basque Country-Bilbao
PDD IESE Business School - Barcelona 2004
ISDI Dibex on Digital Transformation - Barcelona 2019-2020


Senior Marketing & Innovation Consultant, Storyteller; former marketing “irresponsible” at PortAventura, Hero, Borges, Titan… I am especially action driven (& by doing so I become a DOER!); listening to others & wanting to learn, while realistically improving any current situation in a pragmatic way, making sure things actually happen! (they key is what you do, not what you think!)

With a good balance between REASON: after all I am an Industrial Chemist with Scientific Background that started his professional career at P&G (ie, I am quite data maniac!) & EMOTION: I am fond of going one step further with ‘non obvious’ business plans (challenging the ‘status quo’, ie going beyond the “mkt by the book manual”); very curious person & always with a sense of humour.