Tomas Diez Ladera

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Master’s Degree in Advanced Architecture (IAAC)
Bachelor’s Degree in Urban Planning and Sociology (Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas)
Diploma in Social Work from the University of Havana
Diploma in Digital Fabrication (pilot programme for the course “How to Make Almost Anything”, offered by MIT Center for Bits and Atoms, 2008)


Tomas Diez is a Venezuelan-born urbanist who specialises in digital fabrication and its implications in the future of cities. He is the director of Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC, global coordinator of Fab Academy, and European project manager of the Fab Foundation. He was named as one of the top 10 digital social innovators to watch in 2013 by the Guardian and Nesta and was named entrepreneur of the year by the Catalan ICT association in 2014–2015. His research interests relate to the use of digital fabrication tools to transform reality and how the use of new technologies can change the way people consume, produce and relate with each other in cities.